Wednesday, April 02, 2014

way to register free domain name and hosting lifetime fully works

Before discussing free domain name registration options let’s first define the meaning of the domain name and what that domain names are all about. According to a short definition and not going into very technical details the domain name is a “string of letters and numbers that is used to name organizations, computers and addresses on the internet“, so basically, the domain name is the easy to remember name of web address or website.

Fast development and deep penetration of Internet into all aspects of our life motivates businesses and even many individuals to go online i.e. to create their business or personal websites that all should have their own domain name to make their sites easier to locate the web.

We should also note that nowadays domain name is not only a name of the website but it more and more often becomes a well known brand (e.g.,, a trade name, or identity of a well known Internet resource (e.g., the domain name of this site).

So that it becomes quite important to choose a proper domain name that is short, easy to remember and represents the website very well. No doubt large companies can afford to buy even very expensive short names from the current owners, however, that’s not the case for personal or even small business sites owners who do not want to invest too much making their first steps on the Web.

Although that is not so expensive to purchase a domain name with such most popular extensions like .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, etc. there are still cases when the site owner does not want or cannot afford to buy a domain name even at quite low price, and in this case there is such option as free domain name that we discuss in this article.

Please note that there are a lot of free domain name scams on the web that trick Internet users offering free domains and making them fill in dozens of web forms, sing up for tons of “free offers”, etc. however, finally they never give away a promised free domain. Be aware. You’ve been warned.

In this article we propose to consider the following option to register a free domain name, whose that are not scams and can be used safely:

    A completely free domain registration
    A free domain name included with purchase of some service

This post is mainly focus to the people who want free domain name with free hosting plan.after many search and research on the internet finally i got two important sites which can provide you a free domain name with free hosting plan for ur website which is buld by you as dreamweaver site and many other.
full steps is given below for domain registration
1.sign up here
2.then look for free domain name hera
3.then check avaibility of ur required domain name, select such as the cost is o$.
4.then after register  for free hosting at
5.finally check the email you got which will tell you full process to use control panel.
6.login control panel where pass and username is given in email.
7.finally download filezilla 3.8 and use filezilla to upload ur website.
    way to upload files and use control panel will be discussed better on our next tutorial.just check it regularly.
another website to provide free domain name and hosting is process is same as
look below website which is register by me using free domain name and registration in
pokhara university