Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Technology terms fullforms

  Technology terms fullforms

  1. Computer = Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research
  2. CPU = Central Processing Unit
  3. RAM = Random Access Memory
  4. ROM = Read Only Memory
  5. PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
  6. EPROM = Erasable PROM
  7. EEPROM = Electrically EPROM
  8. HDD = Hard Disk Drive
  9. FDD = Floppy Disk Drive
  10. KBD = KeyBoard
  11. I/O = Input & Output
  12. CD = Compact Disk
  13. DVD = Digital Video Disk
  14. SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply
  15. POST = Power ON Self Test
  16. BIOS = Basic Input Output System
  17. VDU = Visible Display Unit
  18. LED = Light Embedded Diode
  19. LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
  20. USB = Universal Serial Bus
  21. VGA = Video/Visual Graphic Adapter
  22. LAN = Local Area Network
  23. WAN = Wide Area Network
  24. MAN = Metropolitan Area Network
  25. HLL = High Level Language
  26. LLL = Low Level Language
  27. MIPS = Million of Instruction Per Second
  28. Mbps = Mega Bytes Per second
  29. Kbps = Kilo Bytes per second
  30. HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer protocol
  31. WWW = World Wide Web
  32. IP = Internet Protocol
  33. ISP = Internet Service Provider
  34. 4 Bits = 1 Nibble
  35. 8 Bits = 1 Bytte
  36. 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilo Byte ( KB )
  37. 1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte ( MB )
  38. 1024 MB = 1 Gyga Byte ( GB )
  39. 1024 GB = 1 Tera Byte ( TB )
  40. 1024 TB = 1 Peta Byte ( PB )
  41. 1024 PB = 1 Exa Byte ( EB )
  42. 1024 EB = 1 Zetta Byte ( ZB )
  43. 1024 ZB = 1 Yotta Byte ( YB)

Full forms of some commonly used IT related terms : 

  1. GSM : Global System for Mobile 
  2. SIM : Subscriber Identity Module 
  3. CDMA : Code division multiple access 
  4. WLL : Wireless local loop 
  5. CAS : conditional access system 
  6. DTH : direct to home 
  7. PUK : Pin Unlock Code 
  8. IrDA :Infrared Data Association 
  9. PMPO : Peak Music Power Output 
  10. Modem : modulate and demodulate
  11.  VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Seige 
  12. ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network 
  13. USB : Universal Serial Bus 
  14. DVD : Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc 
  15. YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. 
  16. LCD : Liquid crystal display 
  17. TFT : thin film transistor 
  18. PS2 :PlayStation 2 
  19. ATM : Automated Teller Machine Windows 
  20. NT : windows network technology INTERNET PROTOCOL TELEVISION or IPTV
  21. WindowsXP : Windows 'eXPerience' 
  22. FAX : facsimile 
  23. UPS : uninterrupted power supply 
  24. BPO : Business Process Outsourcing 
  25. LASER : Light Amplification (by) Stimulated Emission (of) Radiation 
  26. NTFS : New Technology File System 
  27. GPRS : group pocket radio service 
  28. Wi-Fi-Wireless Fidility 
  29. MP3 : Motion Picture Expert Group Layer 3 

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