Thursday, July 11, 2013

Facts and information about different wireless telephone technology

Facts and information about different wireless telephone technology
Mobile phones: 1G 2G 3G 4G

   1G is short for first-generation wireless telephone technology. This generation of phones and networks is represented by the brick-sized analog phones introduced in    the 1980’s. Subsequent numbers refer to newer and upcoming technology.

   2G phones use digital networks. Going all-digital allowed for the introduction of digital data services, such as SMS and email. 2G networks and their digital nature    also made it more difficult to eavesdrop on mobile phone calls.

   3G networks are an in between standard. 3G is seen more as pre4G instead of a standard of its own. The advantage 3G networks have over 2G networks is speed. 3G    networks are built to handle the needs of today’s wireless users. This standard of wireless networks increases the speed of internet browsing, picture and video    messaging, and handheld GPS use.

   4G (AKA Beyond 3G) is like the other generations in that its advantage lies in promised increased speeds in data transmission. There is currently no formal    definition for 4G, but there are objectives. One of these objectives is for 4G to become a fully IP-based system, much like modern computer networks. The supposed     speeds for 4G will be between 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s.

         ++How much faster is 4G compared to 3G and what applications run better on 4G?

3G and 4G are standards for mobile communication. Standards specify how the airwaves must be used for transmitting information (voice and data). 3G (or 3rd Generation)

 was launched in Japan in 2001. As recently as mid-2010, the networks for most wireless carriers in the U.S. were 3G. 3G networks were a significant improvement over  2G networks, offering higher speeds for data transfer. The improvement that 4G offers over 3G is often less pronounced. Analysts use the analogy of standard vs Hi-Def  TV to describe the difference between 3G and 4G.

              **comparison between  3g and 4g wireless technology**
  •      3G                                                                                                           4G
  • Data Throughput:Up to 3.1Mbpsspeed range between 0.5 to 1.5 Mbps    2mbps                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  • Peak Upload Rate: 5 Mbps                                                                       500mbps

  • Peak Download Rate: 100 Mbps                                                                1 Gbps
    Switching Technique:  packet switching                                              packet switching, message switching
    Network Architecture:  Wide Area Cell Based                               Integration of wireless LAN and Wide area.
    Services And Applications:  CDMA 2000, UMTS, EDGE etc           Wimax2 and LTE-Advance
    Forward error correction (FEC):3G uses Turbo codes                    Concatenated codes are used 
  •                                                                                                                       for error corrections in 4G.
    Frequency Band:     1.8 – 2.5GHz                                                                                   2 – 8GHz